Membership with the TSRA
Objectives of the TSRA
- to foster esprit de corps.
- to cater for the welfare of past and present members of the Transvaal Scottish Regiment.
- to uphold, carry out and maintain the traditions of the Regiment.
- to foster comradeship between past and serving members of the Regiment.
- to assist members of the Regiment and their dependents in times of need.
- to further the welfare of the Regiment.
Eligibility Requirements for Membership
- Former members of the Regiment are eligible for membership of the Transvaal Scottish Regimental Association.
- Individuals who have not served with the Regiment, but are interested in the well-being and principles of the TSRA are welcome to apply for Associate Membership.
Annual Membership Subscription Fees 2024
- Transvaal Scottish Veterans (1939-45) – No subs charged
- Ordinary Transvaal Scottish Membership (Post 1945) – R260
- Associate Membership – R260
- Overseas Membership – R260
- Life Membership – 20 x Annual Ordinary Fees