Jock Column Information
The Association publishes “The Jock Column”, a leading quarterly journal of its kind in South Africa. This publication is now exclusively digital and can be viewed online by all our local South African Members, as well as those further afield in Scotland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Isle of Man, United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Tazmania, Mauritius, The Bahamas and Kenya.
Access to the Jock Column
Access to the Jock Column is for Members ONLY.
We have done away with the login procedure and all editions of the Jock Column can now be viewed by way of using a simple password. Members no longer have to login to view the Jock Column. If you have not received the email informing you of this, please contact Lisa via email at: and the password will be made available to you.
Printing of the Jock Column
All digital editions can be printed directly to your home printer. Simply click the PRINTER ICON shown on the control panel of the digital edition.
If you do not have a home printer, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will ensure that a downloadable version is made available to you for printing elsewhere.
Printed copies of “The Jock Column” are available on request. Printing and courier costs will be advised.
WE NEED YOU . . . and your stories!
The Jock Column and the legacy of the Transvaal Scottish will only survive and thrive with your continued support.
We appreciate all submissions, so please contribute anything that you feel may be of interest to our readers…
long or short stories
articles you’ve read that may be of interest to our members (simply send us the link and we’ll do the rest)
memoirs, yours or those of your family members
and any recollections that you have of your military service, no matter how big or small
old photos (please remember to add the captions)
and who doesn’t enjoy a wee bit of good ole’ military humour and a bit of a laugh?!
You’re not required to be a skilled author or even a semi decent writer/story teller to share your experiences. Your recollections are how history is made, not how well you tell it.
If you served, you have a story to tell, so give us the scoop about when you were a troop!
A couple of simple lines in an email, starting with “I remember when . . .”, will do the trick!
Should you prefer not to have your identity revealed, you have our assurance that this too will be honoured.
All submissions will be gratefully received! Please submit these (in text format) with any accompanying photographs or images, references or source material to:
The Editor of the Jock Column via email:
Deadline for Submissions – December 2024 Edition: 10th November 2024
Boost your Business by supporting The Jock Column!
The Jock Column can only be viewed by TSRA Members that are registered and logged in on the Website.
First, Register on the website, (this need only be done once) then LOGIN!
Tips for registering!
- Use your email address as your username.
- Ensure that your email address is entered correctly.
- Use a PASSWORD that is STRONG, but easy to remember.
- Please check your email inbox shortly after you’ve registered.
- Registrations are manually approved as they are vetted for authenticity and paid up subs. We do however try to our utmost to expedite this within 24hrs.
- You will receive an email as soon as your registration has been approved. This will include a link whereby you may LOGIN via mobile or PC.
- Please BOOKMARK this page for future ease of use.
- ONCE REGISTERED and LOGGED IN, you will be given access to view all the digital editions of the Jock Column.