
Holistic History Society Online Meeting

From 14h55 until 16h15

At Zoom Online

Holistic History Society / Peter Griffiths - Holistic History Society Chairperson chairperson@ermhs.co.za

You are cordially invited to both sessions of the Holistic History Society online meeting scheduled for Sunday, the 21st of May.

The meeting will feature an interview with a Boksburg resident and historical novelist, Joy Kearsley, about her debut novel, To be a Soldier. To be a Soldier is set during the Peninsular War and seamlessly integrates compelling and impeccably researched descriptions of English society, life on campaign, wartime atrocities and battlefield action during the Napoleonic era with the evolving story of a romance between a London pick-pocket and an aristocratic young lady. Dr. Anne Samson, an independent historian, book publisher and regular Holistic History Society guest presenter published To be a Soldier in 2022.

The interview will take place in two sessions, respectively lasting from 03:00 P.M. to 03:30 P.M., to allow for a short tea break, and from 03:45 P.M. to 04:15 P.M., to allow for a question and answer session after the presentation until 04:20 P.M.

Please find your invitation to both sessions of this coming Sunday's online meeting and presentation below.

Session 1: 3:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. South African Standard Time. I suggest you start logging in from about 2:55 P.M.
Meeting Hyperlink
Meeting ID: 856 9293 2946
Passcode: 833139

Session 2: 3:45 P.M. to 4:15 P.M. South African Standard Time. I suggest you start logging in from about 3:40 P.M.
Meeting Hyperlink https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82384144982?pwd=TWdTNldoS1FPeEFGSjYxTGMzeEtndz09
Meeting ID: 823 8414 4982
Passcode: 420610

You are welcome to forward this online meeting invitation to anyone whom you think would find this coming Sunday's meeting of interest.
Kind Regards
Peter Griffiths - Holistic History Society Chairperson

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