Coronation Message

Your Majesty King Charles III and Your Majesty Queen Camilla, On behalf of the Transvaal Scottish Regimental Association, I would like to extend our warmest congratulations on your coronation as the sovereigns of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms. We are deeply honoured and proud to have served under your gracious leadership and to […]
A Christmas Message from your Chairman

My dear fellow members of the amazingly ubiquitous family of the Transvaal Scottish Regiment and the exceptional friends that we have gained over the years. The Regiment may have ceased to exist, but we who served in it or are associated with The Jocks are wondrously empowered to carry on with the fine legacy that […]
Condolences on the passing of Her Majesty The Queen

Sir, His Majesty The King, The Queen Consort and Members of The Royal Family,The Chairman, Executive Committee and Members of the Transvaal Scottish Regimental Association wish to extend our sincerest condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. No words can fully express how profoundly saddened we are by this news.We can only […]
Seasons Greetings

Hello Fellow Jocks and Friends, 2021 has been a strange and difficult year for most of us. To those who have lost loved ones please remember that you have an extended family in the TSRA who are sharing your grief, give some of them a call just to let them know how you are doing. […]