Barberton Raid – 2023

The annual Barberton raid took place over the weekend 29/9 – 1/10 2023.

Jocks who attended were Spike Becker, Seán Culhane, Dewald Ras, Bob Prince, John Hopkins, Maurice Paoli, Colin Tame and Mike King. Support troops were Esté Becker, Carol-Ann Culhane, Brenda Ras, Beverley Hopkins, Romina Piperi and Jaquie Maroudas.

The raid was meticulously planned and executed by Dewald apart from the weather – it was the best Barberton could offer and was only 38 degrees whilst on parade. This required the engagement of all wheel drive by some of the marchers due to terrain and temperature.


The upside of the morning parade was the drinks and chairs in the shade at the Lone Tree Shellhole. Much mopping of brows took place as did the reduction in the stocks of Castle Light which was at the ideal consumption temperature.

After a light lunch at the Plaas Kombuis it was time for a few winks of recharge time and then off to the afternoon parade at the remembrance gardens. The grounds have been kept in excellent condition and all the plinths were freshly painted and looked outstanding. Respect was paid and wreathes laid under the watchful (and little bit amazed) eye of the locals braaiing.

At the traditional gathering on Heartbreak Hill at sunset, our sincere thanks must go to the South African Irish band who played Atholl Highlanders as the sun disappeared over the horizon. After playing their Killaloe, in the circle they for the 1st time, opened a bottle of Famous Grouse in remembrance of Porky Wright, which was passed around followed up in quick succession by a bottle of OB’s. Both having their caps flattened. This was indeed a moment of remembrance and significance.

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Those who have been to Barberton over the past few years will remember the tradition on Heartbreak Hill where everyone involved in the parades gathers on the “mountain” on Saturday around sunset. The SA Irish Pipe Band plays and incorporates the Regimental marches of some of the regiments present and then pass around a couple of bottles of OBS. This year, in honour of Mr Wright, a bottle of Famous Grouse was passed around. I was honoured by receiving the bottle and taking the first shot while toasting Mr Wright. ~ Seán Culhane ~

Saturday evening the formalities ended off with a stunning bush pig on the spit provided by the Jathira campsite and coordinated by our MOTH friends and comrades.

Sunday morning saw the team executing a tactical withdrawal and heading back home to which everyone thankfully arrived safely.

To quote General McArthur – it was agreed that next year “we would all return” with hopefully increased numbers.

A great weekend it was to be sure – Alba nam Buadh.


Watch the videos of the 2023 Barberton Raid on the Jocks YouTube channel.

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